It seems wherever I turn to– whether it is looking online or talking to friends– it appears that Twitter is one of the most talked about social media tool presently. I have been doing some research on how public relations professionals have been using Twitter for their various activities and practices. From fundraising for causes to promoting events to establishing themselves as a credible source of information, Twitter is indeed creating a new working environment for PR professionals. But what about professors and academics? Are they on Twitter? The answer is yes– and the numbers are indeed growing. Here is a list of professors that are on Twitter and have incorporated it into their classroom for their students.
Public relations professionals have to be up-to-date with the latest technologies, and this includes of course social media. Twitter is still relatively new to some people, especially to students, and it is the role of the professor to be familiar with these technologies and how to use them in Public Relations. There are so many elements of Twitter that students need to be familiar with. For example, they need to know the proper etiquette that is being used for Twitter and how it can be used as an effective tool to manage their online reputation. It is an exciting tool to use, and it will be interesting to see its impact on the public relations discipline and research.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,