In public relations campaigns, we have to make sure that we communicate our messages effectively and target our audiences with the right strategies. These audiences can range from the media to consumers to even competitors of our client or corporation we are representing. However, one group that we have to make sure that we connect with our messages are key influencers, or opinion leaders. These individuals have a lot of prestige and influence over others, and if we are able to reach these individuals in our campaign, this would help out a lot. But with the social media growing each day – how do you measure this online? Also, who are the main influencers on Twitter?

Twinfluence (courtsey of
Well, there is one tool that can help you with this. It is called Twinfluence – and what it does it is calculates how many friends, followers, and others a Twitterer has, and determines the influence rate that this person may have. This is useful information especially if a public relations campaign is grounded in using social media like Twitter for their message strategies.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,