In a recent article that appeared on Adweek, Joseph Jaffe makes a point by questioning who exactly “owns” social media – is it the digital agencies, or is it the public relations firms.  There are some interesting points that Mr. Jaffe brings up in the article, however – I would have to disagree with him on the issue that Public Relations does not have a role in social media.  As Mr. Jaffe states in his article:

“The PR business is really no better and no worse than the digital one when it comes to social credentials. With its claim of being champions of’earned media,’ it tacked the word ‘relations’ onto blogger, lumped it together with ‘media relations’ and “journalist relations,’ and somehow went unchallenged. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying PR shouldn’t be at the table. I’m just questioning how ‘relations’ between corporations and journalists equate with real people hanging out with other real people.”

Yes, there are some points in the article to which I agree with.  I think that having a third party integrator as Mr. Jaffe had recommended is a good idea – it is always good to have individuals that are experienced and hae expertise in the social media area.  However, I do believe that PR should definitely be given a seat at the Social Media table. Even though we are communicating through an online medium and not necessarily “face-to-face,” we are still communicating.  We are establishing networking relationships as well as conducting business. Public relations professionals need to communicate through the media channel that their target audiences are using to get their information. If the medium so happens to be social media – well, we have to use this channel to get our messages across and incorporate it into our strategies for our campaigns and research.

I agree- PR professionals have to do their research when it comes to using social media because it is constantly changing and evolving.  Public Relations professionals can’t go into a blind situation without thoroughly researching their client, the industy they are participating in, and what are the goals and expectations are.By doing research on social media – PR professionals will be more prepared and informed about how it works, who are the key influencers online, and what it is the latest application or use of social media in the field.

However, I believe that there are public relations professionals and researchers who are able to communicate and use social media effectively, and should be given the opportunity to do so.  In my personal opinion, social media is indeed for everyone – and can be used for different purposes.  We shouldn’t put up walls or boundaries – if we do that – how do we get better as a field and discipline?  We need to be open to all possibilities and technologies that may make our jobs easier and more effective for our audiences.  Life is a continuing learning process – and let’s learn together about social media and help each other!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Best Wishes,
