Social media is definitely becoming a huge part of how we communicate with each other as well as how businesses operate. According to a new study conducted by Netpop Research, it appears that the use of social networking sites has increased 93 percent.
The study also found some interesting findings regarding social media – for example, it appears that email is still the most popular use in terms of sharing and communicating with each other – ahead of text messaging and IM. I would say that I am definitely one with the email myself! Another finding that they had was that photos are the most popular thing that is being shared on social networking sites. I would say that this is true as well based on my personal experiences. When I was working in South Africa and presenting last year in China – I was definitely taking pictures and sharing them with my friends and family. I am sure that I will be doing the same in a couple of months for my trip to Amsterdam and Greece!
Corporations are also using social media more than ever before, and some are using it for their advertisements. It was just reported that Google is using Twitter to sell their ads . What happens is that if a person looks and sees an ad on Google and clicks on the icon, it will redirect them to the brand or corporation’s Twitter site. It is interesting to see how these corporations are using social media sites like Twitter to not only contact their followers, but the people that they are following them. This goes back in discussing how a corporation can strategically find out who are the main influencers in their target audience, and then see if they can use these individuals to spread the message to their friends to create a chain reaction. It is interesting to see Google go down this route, and we will have to see what happens next.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,