When you have a web site, it is a place to show people who you are as a person, student, or professional.  A blog is a medium in which you can voice your thoughts and feelings and establish your personal brand and reputation.  As public relations professionals – both practitioners and academics – we establish ourselves in a certain way that separates ourselves from others.  Whether we are experts in crisis communication or social media or sports -we focus on issues and events in these areas on web sites and blogs.  Both social media tools are used to help manage your online reputation professionally.  But what about Twitter – how do you brand your Twitter user account?

Well, there is a new application that allows you to do that.  It was recently announced that the founder of Digg (Kevin Rose) created a new application where users can “tag” what categories they would like to be under.  The application is called wefollow, and they have their own web site as well as a Twitter account.  This is a great way to identify what your personal online brand is to your followers as well as others in these respective categories. Plus, it is a useful tool to communicate with others on Twitter that fit in the same categories as you do – what a great networking opportunity!

For example, I signed up this afternoon and I am listed under the categories public relations, blogger, reputation, and social media.  These are the categories in which I personally identify with in terms of my online reputation.  I am a second year doctoral student studying Public Relations, and one area of interest for me is Reputation Management, and how it is implemented in Social Media.  These are just a couple of areas that I blog about. 🙂

Hope you all are having a great day!

Best Wishes,
