Union Train Station in Washington D.C. was just around the corner from where I stayed and where I presented!
Here is what I am reading today:
“Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important component of inbound marketing. As an online marketer, you likely know that SEO has two categories of influence on search engine rank. The first category is on-page factors, which include all the elements of a web page. The second category is off-page factors, which include inbound links, social media, authority, etc. However, are you aware of all the factors that make up these two categories?
“From a present day perspective, the world is becoming saturated by millions of our location stamped ‘social’ stories inside services such as Google Earth, Maps, TagWhat, HistoryPin (more below), Facebook Places, CheckIn+, Foursquare etc: As these stories recede into past events we will start to see some very interesting social and anthropological forms popping up – ARDs (augmented reality documentaries) will be aggregates of the best of those stories and I can see simple parallels – SocialAR extending Reality TV, DramaticAR drawing on Cinema and HistoricalAR evolving alongside Documentary, which is the focus of this post.”
“Social PR fashion trends for fall seem to be brightening up from a sea of Facebook blue and white to a burst of rainbow as Google+ enters the social network scene with a vengeance. Will Google+ take center stage as the born again social media fashion darling? If you think blue hues are dull; we now have another social PR color trend for you to choose – adding bright details to your social media plugins and sharing is definitely IN. But what else is on the Social PR Fashion lists of Ins, Outs and Trending?”
“Remember that wild party you went to freshman year of college—and those pictures someone took of you when you were wasted hanging all over the frat guys? Remember how somebody posted it on her Facebook page and tagged you in it? And, how you really don’t remember any details of the party at all—or who that guy plastered to your face was?
You may not remember, but that probably doesn’t matter when it comes time to search for a career. The New York Times says your social media history may be your next “job hurdle.””
“In all of this, it’s sometimes easy to overlook the lessons learned (and shared) from a single company – even one that’s been in business for 125 years. But one thing I’ve learned about social media is that universal principles apply. Coca-Cola may have far more budget and resources than you – but at least some of the wisdom gained from their leaders and experience can also be ours.”
“If you’re a dedicated Harry Potter fan and a marketer, then here’s the top 9 lessons that we can learn from the greatest wizard in the world to becoming market wizards in a digital age.
1. If potions isn’t your forte, then why not try Quidditch?…..”
‘Like most tenured academics, I rather doubt I will ever leave the job I have. Why would I? I love teaching at Middlebury. But now I have another reason to not leave. I don’t think I could pass the increasingly invasive background checks that some companies are conducting via the Internet. These background checks will find everything you ever said or did not just on Facebook or Twitter, but even cranky comments on blog sites or sexting with your lover.”