The opportunities that social media has brought about in terms of public relations in terms of practice, research, and application are enormous. It is a wonderful day to not only make network connections and develop an ongoing conversation and dialogue with others, but it is also a very useful and powerful technology medium to manage your online reputation professionally and effectively. An article that appeared in the Search Engine Journal discussed how professionals presently can use social media strategically in managing their reputation and getting a job. This is just one of the articles that I thought might be useful for fellow graduate students (like myself) who will be attending AEJMC in Denver who are interviewing for positions in public relations, journalism, advertising, and other mass communication disciplines.
I think that the author raises some good points in making sure that you have a strong presence on the main social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn – these are very important networking tools since they are the ones that professionals and employers are looking at first. First impressions are absolutely key – because perception is absolutely reality. You are your best PR representative, and you have to make sure that you have a balanced presence on all of these sites that is professional, engaging, and interactive to reflect who you are as a person and personal brand.
However, there are a few things that I would like to add that professionals and fellow students looking for positions can do to use social media strategically in finding a job:
Not only start a blog – but have a personal website. This is the ultimate hub for information about you – where people can see what you have done in your professional career, what you like to do in terms of hobbies and interests, as well as where you have traveled for presentations and competitions. This is what I have done for my own personal website for the last 15 years – I have shared my experiences as a track and field athlete, doctoral student in public relations, and world traveler presenting abroad in some amazing countries (China, The Netherlands, Greece, and Brazil). In addition, you want to also make sure that you have at least your resume or CV attached to it as well so people can see what you have done and be able to download it. Not only that, you want to make sure that you provide visuals for people to see you in action working in your profession – whether it is a video presentation of you at a conference or pictures of you during your travels. It is just another way to show people who you are as a person.
Write, write, and write some more!: By having a blog, it is not only a tool to manage your reputation and discuss issues and areas in Public Relations that interest you, but it is also a way to practice your writing skills each and every day. In addition, it is like an online portfolio and way to make future networking connections based on this. I have made some amazing professional connections based on what people have seen from my blog, and it has been a wonderful experience.
Always think before you post, write, or comment online: First impressions are definitely important to consider with social media, so you have to make sure that you are aware that what you are posting online can not only be seen by your friends and family, but other professionals. Whether it is a blog post to a video posted on YouTube, all of these can definitely impact how people see you as a professional and person. In addition, you need to recognize that there really is no privacy online – and that what is online stays online. By understanding this, you can be proactive in managing your reputation effectively.
Influence is important, but sharing knowledge is key: Influence takes time and dedication when it comes to social media, but the first step is to establish long term professional and networking relationships with your followers. Relationships are the key in the 21st century – people are filtering out information and all of the noise that is going on with social media, so you have to make sure that you figure out what makes you unique compared to the other professionals, researchers, and students out there. Context is absolutely necessary for establishing yourself in the online community. It is about sharing your knowledge and experience openly with the online community. It is about interacting with others online positively.
Show your personality in a professional manner: Employers are not only interested in people that are skilled and knowledgeable in their profession, but they also want to be working with someone that is energetic, interactive, personable, and engaging in their personality. By incorporating this into your personal website, blog, and social media sites – this will really enhance your reputation proactively.
These are just a few of my thoughts on how to use social media strategically to manage your online reputation and to keep in mind when you are looking for a position in your profession. Hope you all have a fabulous day!
Best Wishes,