People are joining Twitter by the thousands, and it will only get larger. However, there are still people out there that have not joined Twitter for specific reasons. I believe – especially for PR professionals – that we need to be up to date on the latest forms of technologies that are being used to communicate and interact with individuals. That is a large aspect of what Public relations is all about – it is the strategic managment of communication messages to specific audience members.

Twitter (from
Another reason why public relations professionals need to be on social media outlets is that it is a tool to manage your presence online, as well as the client and individual publics you are representing. It is important to make sure that you are identifying yourself in a proactive and professional manner. There are many ways to do this on Twitter – from establishing your personal brand to being yourself – there are numerous possibilities.
To conclude this blog post – social media has many possibilities for individuals both professionally and personally – and it is a great way to connect and interact with people! Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,