The Twitter revolution has definitely arrived to Americans and the rest of the world here in 2009.  It seems that more and more people are getting on Twitter for various reasons.  From sharing news stories to fundraising and even disseminating crisis message responses – it has become a part of the social media network phenomenon. Not only that, it is definitely a proactive tool to establish your online reputation and potentially help you in getting a job.  By networking with other professionals as well as establishing yourself as a credible, up-to-date with information and technology, and trustworthy individual – Twitter can offer a lot of opportunities for people.

According to the Pew Research Center, it appears that more Americans are coming to Twitter for various reasons like sharing news stories (11 percent of adults) to microblogging about their daily activities (9 percent of adults).  Of course, young adults are leading the way in the Twitter phenomenon and are communicating via the web as well as on their mobile devices (cell phones) and are constantly updating their own personal information as well as seeking out news about events, people, and other issues that they are interested in.

As Public Relations professionals, we not only have to know these new forms of technology, but we have to understand it.  The best way to understand these new technologies is to use them and try them out.  It has only been a few months since I have been on Twitter, but it has been a great experience.  Plus, to be effective in reaching our audiences and be strategic in our campaigns, we have to understand where our publics are getting their information and how they communicate with each other.

Hope you all are having a great day! 🙂

Best Wishes,
