There is a question that is being asked among public relations professionals and scholars when it comes to social media.  It is about how do we find out exactly who are these individuals that are influential, and have their own capital with their online audiences, or otherwise known as social media influence capital (SMI Capital).  This is a term that my colleagues and I conceptualized in our paper, which is similar to CEO Capital (well-researched in the reputation management discipline), but this is capital that is established through online interactions, specific personality traits, and presence online.

I am very excited and pleased to announce that the study I worked on looking at this very issue has been accepted for publication in Public Relations Review, one of the top research journals in the discipline and the respected authority in public relations.  This is a huge honor for me since this is not only a publication in a very strong and prestigious journal, but I am also first author on the paper.  Super excited! 🙂

I am very excited with this publication and I am looking forward to working on more research in this particular area within social media and public relations.  I will keep you all posted when it is available online and in the Public Relations Review.  Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

Best Wishes,
