Meeting family at Christmas in San Luis Obispo, California

Here is what I am reading today:

“A Nielsen survey released Monday reveals that the six most popular Android apps are the same across all age groups, although their exact rankings vary slightly. The most popular and most actively used app (after Android Market), not surprisingly, is Facebook. “

“Research from consulting firm, Bain & Company revealed that organizations that have adopted social media early on (Dell, Wal-Mart*, Starbucks*, JetBlue and American Express) have captured real economic business value from their budget investments.

Bain found that that customers who engage with companies via social media channels spend 20% to 40% more money with those companies than other customers. They also demonstrate a deeper emotional commitment to the companies, granting them an average 33 points higher Net Promoter® score (NPS®), a common measure of customer loyalty.”

“In answer to the question above, approximately 18,400,000 Americans say yes, they got their current job through Facebook. Though Zuck’s platform ranks #1, Twitter and LinkedIn don’t have shabby numbers either — 8 million and 10.2 million Americans, respectively, have gotten their jobs through social platforms. Judging from our Job Search Series, it should come as no surprise that being socially savvy pays off in the job hunt for two reasons — it helps you network, and it’s a highly marketable strength in your skill set, given all the openings in the digital space. So, it’s about time you spruce up those social profiles and start networking.”

“Social media is not a standalone skill-set, nor is it even a vocation in its own right. It’s a mindset, a set of specific tools and most importantly, it’s a process weaved into content and social media marketing. Our post showing the scope of Social CRM shows how social media marketing activities occur across the whole business – this Altimeter image clear shows how wide the scope of social media is.”

“Apple just pulled an iPhone app that’s been in the App Store for more than two years — and did so at the prompting of a U.S. senator. The app, made by the company, lets users make fake driver’s licenses, creating high-quality images with the real license templates for all 50 states. The app allows emailing of the images, which could then be easily printed and laminated.”

“Thanks to the low barrier of entry for online media, as well as an increasing number of channels to access content, more news is being put out across a greater number of platforms every week. For consumers, this is largely a good thing. More content means more choice. But more content can also mean more noise, making it difficult for readers to access the information they really need.”