The S-curve is a term used a lot of times in marketing and business to describe innovations and transitions through new emerging ideas and how we need to make sure we have a game plan for the next step in the process as well as for the long-term.

The s-curve is supposed to express the level of growth over a period of time – and has been applied in various situations looking at the evolution of various brands and companies.  Examples of some brands that have continued to inspire innovation and reinvent themselves includes Apple and Coca-Cola.  Both of these brands have been successful in staying ahead of the curve and the rest of their competition.

However, when looking at individuals, particularly professionals today, the S-curve can also be applied as well in principle.  We have to make sure we are marketing ourselves and continue to be a student for life.  Continuing to go to training and educating ourselves on the latest technologies and applications (ex. social media) are just a few ways for individuals to continue to grow as individuals.

In this regard, many people do look up to individuals who are influential and have a powerful presence on social media for this information and what are some of the latest trends, and these individuals are classified as social media influencers. Many professionals and outlets in the field have dedicated resources and time to figure out who these individuals are based on their following, content they are sharing, and even personality characteristics displayed in social media and in real life.  While there are some who are advocates for SMIs, there are others that have raised concerns on what exactly is classified as being a SMI and what exactly does it mean to be influential.  This discussion will continue to be raised both in the academic and professional community.

My question is – we seem to be talking a lot in the community and in research about SMIs –  but what about their own S-curve?  What are they doing to stay ahead of the game?  Also, what are they doing in terms of managing their legacy?  We see professionals and well established SMIs present across the various social media platforms where they are very open and transparent on what they are working on and willing to share their knowledge with the community, but what are they doing to sustain this influence and presence?

In addition,  we hear about their latest books or research projects they are working on – which is absolutely great and definitely a huge contribution to the field.  However, how are these individuals mentoring the next generation of SMIs?  Who are the talented professionals who will lead the field in this area in the future?  Are these individuals in the field or are they coming up in the ranks in academia to become a hybrid SMI?  Do they share the same characteristics and perspectives of the traditional SMIs?  What is being done by SMIs to expand their own personal S-curve when it comes to training the next up and coming SMI in the field?

These are just a few questions I think should be discussed more – while I think that it is key to have a voice as an SMI and contribute back to the field – but it is also necessary to expand and share with the community the next generation of thinkers,innovators, and professionals in the field.  Mentoring and guiding the future of our profession proactively and positively is also a sign of a great influencer.

Hope you all are having a great day.

Best Wishes,
