The last couple of weeks have been somewhat of a whirlwind for me. That’s pretty much normal for me especially this time of year. This is the time where I go and present at most of my conferences. Sometimes I have a little bit of time in between, but most of the time, it’s pretty much like a day or so. However, that is how I like it!
Right after I got back from West Virginia’s Integrate Conference, I had about enough time in Louisville to switch suitcases and pack and finalize my presentation for the Reputation Institute’s annual conference.

Presenting at RI 2014
RI is probably one of my most favorite conferences to go to – actually, it’s the longest running one I have attended and presented at ever since I started doing research in PR back in 2008. My first RI Conference was in 2008 in Beijing right after I finished my first year of my doctoral studies at Tennessee. I went to my first conference and was hooked.
This year was just as amazing as previous conferences. We were staying at the Fontainebleau Hotel and Resort in Miami – and if you have not been there – you need to go there! Excellent service and wonderful views of the hotel. Absolutely amazing! However, the locations just one element that created a wonderful learning environment for everyone.
Why should you go to the RI Conference? Here are some of my top reasons why you should consider going and submitting to present at this conference:
- Conference balances both practice and research: Where can you go where you see the CEO of Sprint talk and hear from leading researchers in the field of reputation management? At RI of course.
This is what is so great and one of the things that I like about it. You are able to see what are the main issues, trends, and case studies that are being discussed in the field along with exploring what research studies are emerging in the field. It’s the perfect combination.
- Presenting your research not only to your research colleagues, but to practitioners as well: One of the things academics get somewhat slammed for is that their studies are “too theoretical” or not addressing the key issues and trends happening in the field. Well, if you present at RI, you get some insight from both practitioners and researchers about your work. For us, especially in PR, we need to have both perspectives to help guide us in our work.
- Chance to bounce off ideas: When will you ever have the chance to say – hey, what do you think about this topic? Would this be something that you would be interested in seeing in a research study? We had a chance to talk to a few professionals about a range of ideas on research for both research purposes as well as practitioner opportunities at RI this year.
- Huge networking opportunities: Professors have to be social connectors both for the field as well as for our students – and what better way to do this than to present and attend a conference like RI? I had the chance to talk about the presentation I did with Sabrina and Kristin to professionals who represent some of the leading Fortune 500 brands and major PR agencies in the US and the world.
- Being part of a great community and having a great time: Have to say, RI treats everyone really well at the conference. The presentations are exciting and you learn a lot, the atmosphere is wonderful and very positive, and the location – okay, I think RI does win the award for always going to the coolest places and staying at the best hotels hands down!
Just look at the view and our hotel room!
So, to all of my fellow professors and students who are interested in researching and practicing PR, reputation management, and branding – RI is the conference for you. They already announced where they are going to be next year – in Dubai! Make sure to check it out and consider submitting a paper to present there.
Thanks to RI for having a great conference this year in Miami and taking care of all of us. We really appreciate your hard work and dedication. See you next year in Dubai! Hope you all are having a great day.
Best Wishes,