There are just some things in fashion that are a must have and that are classic and timeless – from Prada to Michael Kors to Chanel – these pieces will stand the time for their design and presence in their respective fields. Occasionally, there is a point where a black dress or a fabulous pair of shoes needs to be updated. Image is everything – and as PR professionals – we have to be up to the latest trends and designs.
Technology in many cases is like fashion – there are some tools and applications that will indeed stand the test of time, and then there are some that have to move aside and realize that they have a lot of competition behind them with even more features and are user friendly. Specifically, let’s talk about social media. Google has been long associated as being the leader in search engines and has created terms that we use every day because it has become such a large presence in our culture. However, I believe that Google is definitely considered to be 20th century – and a whole new line of social media search engines have been created. Not only do they do the things that Google does, but in some cases – they offer more options for their users.
One example of a hip and chic new search engine that I found recently is SamePoint. You can search for basically anything that you want on this site – from social networking sites to microblogs (ex. Twitter) to pictures and even movies. It combines everything that you want in one place, and the information that you get back from each search is amazing and very detailed. So – I think that this is a great tool not only for conducting research, but also manage your online reputation as well. You can see what is being said about you on all of these various sites that are online, and you can be very proactive about it.
From Twitter to Facebook to Samepoint – we are living in an exciting time where new technologies in social media are developing overnight and we as public relations professionals have to know what these new tools are so we can best effectively advise our clients on what information is relevant to them as well as conduct research that is thorough and consise. If we don’t know what these technologies are, then we may as well look out of date or “unfashionable.” In other words – it is important to look at where technology has come from and some of the major places, but it is time to move on to new and improved designs. As Edna from the movie “The Incredibles” says – “I never look back, darling! It distracts from the now.”
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,