Here are some great posts from students in the ADV 490 class (Special Topics – Social Media) class that I thought you all would like to see! Some of the blog posts are focusing on particular events that are being discussed in social media (ex. Daily News Magazine App, Egypt crisis, Taco Bell crisis, and Kenneth Cole Twitter crisis), while other posts are discussing different features and implementations of new emerging technologies for advertising and public relations professionals to consider when presenting to their perspective audiences and clients. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts from all of the students in the class so far this semester, and wanted to share with you all some that I thought were very good and presented in a very professional manner. 🙂
- “The Newspaper Industry Takes another Crack at a Paid Digital Model” (PR from the OR)
- “Ethics: A key factor in Leadership” (Living life to the Fulmer)
- “Cyclone Yasi Hits Social Media” (ElwinPR)
- “Kenneth Cole: Tweet ‘heard around the world” (Something Clever)
- “Egypt is a Democracy” (Matter of Fact)
- “Witnessing the collapse of civility in Egypt” (Joshisms)
- “Advertise Much?” (Spanglish Spoken – referring to current Taco Bell situation)
- “Prezi is the new PowerPoint” (It’s that time)
Keep up the great blog posts, everyone – these are very insightful about social media, advertising, and public relations! 🙂 Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,