Happy New Year! It is great to start off a new year with some great expectations and goals. There are some in particular I have professionally as well as personally. I always have enjoyed this time of year because it is the first day of the year – so essentially it’s a blank slate to work on for the next 364 days.
Some things I am going to try to work on this year includes the following:
- Updating my blog: As you may have noticed, I have changed a few things to my blog over the last few weeks. My goal is to continue to work on this, but that may take some time, so stay tuned! This is still under construction.
- Continue to exercise and be active every day: I have found exercise to be one of the best things you can do to not only live a healthy lifestyle, but a great way to get a fresh new perspective on projects and assignments. I am active every day, so I am going to try to keep this up.
- Continue to branch out with collaborations and projects: I am always fascinated with new projects, tools, and disciplines, so I am going to try to push myself in these areas as well as study up new techniques and tools to use and share for my classes as well as in my research.
- Coffee, coffee, and coffee: Okay, I guess you can say I enjoy my cup(s) of coffee.
I pretty much guarantee I am going to continue to drink coffee for the upcoming year. That’s a given!
There are several things of course I am grateful for from 2014. Had some great experiences traveling and presenting abroad as well as spending quality time with my family. Lots to be thankful for! I am sure 2015 is going to be great as well. Here are some items and future events so far for the upcoming year:
- Presenting research again at the ICRC Conference in Orlando this year with Firestorm Solutions and Kristin. Plus, I have one of my graduate students at UofL, Ben Garnett, will also be presenting his research case study at the conference as well.
- Attending and presenting at SxSW Edu. This has been a bucket list item for me as a professor – I’ve always wanted to go to this conference and to speak here is tremendous. I will be on a panel with fellow professors to talk about professors and social media pedagogy.
- Heading back to Greece for COMMGR: Five years after I went to Greece for the first time for a presentation, I am able to go back and present some research at the COMMGR conference. Not only that, I have another graduate student (Samantha Hughey) who will be presenting her research case study as well at the conference. I’m also very excited and thrilled to have Dad join me as well – he’s never been to Greece and I am really excited to see all of the sites with him.
- Working with the social media team for AEJMC PRD. Being the chair of the social media committee has been great over the last few years and I am really fortunate to have some amazing professors and students to work with. However, this is going to be my last year chairing the social media committee – but shortly I will have some exciting news to share with you – stay tuned for later in 2015 for this!
- Continuing to work on research: Research doesn’t stop – even for the holidays.
One of the things I have been working on during the break is finishing up a few projects to submit to a few conferences and publications. It’s been great to work with some great collaborators on various projects on a range of different subjects and areas. Really excited to share what we have found in these various projects.
- Continuing to teach classes and have great students. This is one of the rewarding things I really enjoy about my job – I get to have some great students in my classes and I am looking forward to teaching my social media class again this year. Here’s to a great #Freberg15!
So, here’s to a great start to 2015 and hope you all are having a great new year so far!