One of the best decisions that our family made two years ago was to join Jenny Craig. I have posted many times about my experience with JC, and I have to say that it was one of the smartest things that I have done in my life. The first reason of course was the health benefits. I feel SO much better and able to do activities that I thought would have been impossible (ex. walking up the Great Wall, running a 5k race, etc). It’s been liberating and I feel like I can do anything!
The second reason is that the weight loss has allowed me to explore more fashionable options. For public relations professionals, we are not only promoting our research and ideas for campaigns to our clients, but we are basically selling our own personal brand. Some professions invest in technology equipment like computer science while others invest in art supplies like artists.
For public relations professionals– we have to invest in a lot: Education, Art supplies, technology, research… and fashion. We have a certain image and presence to uphold, and people are very quick to make a judgment about you based on how you look. It ranges from what you wear, what makeup you use, and how you present yourself.

Here I am wearing my new Michael Kors boots
This Christmas, Mom and Dad have really outdid themselves by getting me one thing that I have always wanted but never was able to wear until now– and that was a pair of boots. I have always thought that boots were very fashionable and very chic– but the problem was that my legs were always too big when I was throwing. Now that I have lost weight due to being on JC, my parents got me a pair of boots for Christmas. These were not just any pair of boots, but Michael Kors (one of my favorite designers). I was VERY excited to put them on, and I have to say– they look fabulous! I am reminded of one of my favorite movies “The Devil Wears Prada”– and how people reacted to Anne Hathaway’s character when she comes into the office with her Chanel boots. Certain classy fashion pieces do draw attention to your own personal brand, which then enhances your own personal reputation. Thanks again Mom and Dad for the wonderful Christmas present!
Hope you all are having a fabulous day!
Best Wishes,