With everything that is going on in the world in terms of crisis situations, natural disasters, political uprisings, and current state of the economy and labor disputes, it is good to see some brands looking at the brighter side of life and celebrating it with those online and through social media.
Coca-Cola has been one the dominant global brands across various industries (according to a recent Interbrand 2010 rankings), but they have had a powerful presence on social media from the very beginning. From establishing its strong brand profile on Facebook with their fan page to creating a very multimedia-integrated digital storytelling social media campaign with their Global 206 Reach Campaign, where three young adults traveled to all 206 countries in which Coca-Cola products were sold during the past year. The brand has also integrated social media into its cause-related marketing and corporate social responsibility practices with emerging technology during Earth Month.
Coca-Cola has recently initiated a new campaign targeted in sharing video commercials highlighting the “Happiness Machine.” The video focuses on showcasing how happiness is perceived and representative across the world and what it means to be happy in various places around the world. What is pretty neat about the commercial is that it was filmed in Rio de Janeiro, and I was just there this past May for the 2010 RI Conference. Very fabulous!
From toys to food to celebration activities – this commercial does represent both an integrated and global perspective of what exactly it means to be happy, while also acknowledging the perception and role it has in an individual’s life may be different from person to person. In addition, it does allow people that are invested in the Coca-Cola brand to feel engagement and able to share the information and voice their opinion with others via social media.
So – what makes you happy in life? For me, happiness is spending time with friends and family, doing activities that are enjoyable, great food (what can I say – I am a foodie!), social media, and living each day with a positive outlook and celebrating life. Happiness and taking each moment to celebrate life with those that we care and love is absolutely key to be in a positive state in mind.
Hope you all are having a great and happy day!
Best Wishes,