I had the pleasure to be part of a great lineup of speakers at the Integrate 2013 Conference about a month ago at West Virginia University. The topic I decided to focus on was visual storytelling and crisis communications – little did I know that storytelling was gong to be one of the major themes of the conference!
I had a fun time talking about the various components of what makes a story powerful, and how it can be used in very serious situations and how it can actually help transform a crisis to an opportunity. We hear a lot about how storytelling can be used strategically for PR, Marketing, and even IMC purposes, but it can also be used in various crisis situations. However, we have to note that it all depends on the parties involved, audience, and the time/place as well.
I was very excited to find out that all of the presentations were filmed and available to view online. So, I have the video of my presentation listed below for you all to watch. However, this view does not show any of my slides – but here are the PowerPoint slides in case you want to follow along this way.
I would be interested in hearing what you all think and if you have any questions – feel free to ask! This was a fun presentation to do and I had a great time in Morgantown for the conference.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,