We will never be out of work!
Here is what I am reading today:
“Baking Social Media into classic TV ads is now a common practice, particularly during the Super Bowl. On Sunday, half of the ads that aired during the game mentioned a hashtag. The purpose of doing so in Super Bowl ads is to spark conversations on social networks and eventually extend the reach of the ad itself.
Because hashtags are a core feature on Twitter, many people took to the micro-blogging network to share their opinion about the ads. But what place did Instagram have in all this?”
“Mention the term SEO and what do you think of? Websites? Blogs, Google? They’re all correct, but what most people don’t consider is that it’s not limited to just sites. Social media profiles and pages can be optimised as well. We put so much work into them that it’s easy to forget that there are many other little things that improve the chances of your page appearing in search engines.”
“In early January, Verizon announced a new sustainability project called Powerful Answers. Created to raise awareness of the wireless network’s new 4G service, the centrepiece of the project is a $10m (£6.3m) challenge for entrepreneurs, individuals and companies to generate innovative ideas in the healthcare, education and sustainability sectors.”
Interestingly enough, “Team Freberg” ( a name others call us) will be presenting in Washnigton, D.C. again this year at the wonderful Association for Psychological Science! In true form, we are a multidisciplinary team!
“Hell hath no fury like a Facebook scorned. In today’s digital age, most of us assume everyone understands this fact. But every now and again, people surprise us. An ever-increasing element of this reality is that the hounds of Reddit, the Twitter armies, and Facebook vigilantes are more than willing to remind people that we live in a publicized world. You can’t hide behind privacy statements or legal jargon or appeals to company policy to pacify an Internet mob. Once you cross the line of Internet etiquette, the people of the World Wide Web will hunt you down and do their best to ruin you forever.”
“How much value do you place on your social media profiles? For all the time and effort we’ve invested in them over the years, it’s perhaps fair to say that they provide a relatively accurate picture of who we are and our temperament. We tweet friends, we post status updates expressing our opinions, we make jokes and we communicate what’s happening to our friends and followers.
Since we’ve become more savvy with the online world, the majority of us treat what we say on social media just as seriously as we would if it was said in real-life. So how far away are we from these identities being treated the same way as a passport or an ID?”