Congratulations to John Cacioppo and my mother Laura Freberg on the completion of their new textbook for Introductory Psychology classes! It's titled "Discovering Psychology: the Science of Mind . (do you see me?) Click on the picture to visit Mom!
Here is what I am reading today:
“From the risque to the semi-offensive, there were many interesting new arrivals in app stores this week. We sorted through them to find the apps we could actually imagine using and selected the best five of them to highlight in the gallery above. We hope you enjoy this week’s 5 best new apps.”
“Since you already know how to use Pinterest for marketing, now you’re probably craving some inspirational real-life examples of brands using it effectively. Many businesses have recently discovered that, not only is Pinterest another way to engage with fans and customers without spending advertising dollars, but it’s also a great way to impact purchases, especially when it comes to impulse buying. Data from Monetate shows that referral traffic from Pinterest to the websites of five specialty apparel retailers jumped 389% from July-December 2011.
“And Pinterest is making headlines. Even as an invite-only website (which is a hugely clever way to ensure that people joining the site have ready-made friends on there, so there’s never that element of, “so now what do I do,” that bedevils sites like Twitter), Pinterest is driving more referral traffic than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn. COMBINED. That alone would get headlines, but there’s one more interesting part to this equation. By far, the majority of Pinterest users are women. In the U.S., some statistics have the figure at 87% of active users.”
- what is your coffee personality?? (infographic)
are you ‘the addict’? or the ‘snob?
- top college football rivalries (infographic)
SC? Florida? West Virginia?