My sister Karla drew this lovely homage to both the University of Louisville adn one of our favorite family games: "ANGRY BIRDS!"
Here is what I am reading today ( while ZORBING!):
“The lines dividing social customer service and community engagement are often blurred. In many respects providing customer service online is a form of engagement but there are some distinct differences and both have their own set of etiquette and guidelines. Some organizations have chosen to very distinctly separate the two forms of corporate social media by individuals and teams while others, often smaller companies with less resources opt for a social savvy individual undertaking a variety of online engagement. While there is no set formula for either there are general distinctions between the two, specifically concerning etiquette, around when to reach out and how.”
“Eighty-one percent of consumers believe that if a hospital has a strong social media presence, it’s likely to be more cutting edge. Another 57 percent say that a social media connection with a hospital is likely to have a strong impact on their decision to seek treatment at that hospital.”

You can go to Europe or New Zealand if you want to ZORB, but in the good lo USA, you have to come to Tennessee!
Here is a clever ap that allows you to design your new GOLF inside and out!
“Nobody knows how exactly, but Google+ is likely going to bring the worlds of search and social even closer together. Already, they remain linked. For example, the more your content is shared via social media, the better it does in organic search results. However, Google+ itself is not yet searchable (officially), while in other cases Google has offered ways for content producers to attach their identities to search results. If someone is going to figure out how these two worlds connect more interdependently, it will be Google. “