I have found it very interesting to see how social media is being embraced in both business and social circles.  From organizing events for friends and family to establishing strong online PR campaigns – social media is definitely a must-have for people today – especially Facebook.

A recent study on social media conducted by Anderson Analytics say that Facebook is the most popular social networking site out there among the participants that they surveyed.  The other social networking sites that were compared included LinkedIn, MySpace, and Twitter (even though technically this is a microblog site, not social networking necessarily).

So, what does this say to the public relations professional?  Well, it says several things.  First, it states that Facebook is definitely an important social networking site to engage and interact with clients and their stakeholders in a PR campaign.  Of course, it is important to know if the stakeholders that you are trying to target are frequent Facebook users. 🙂

Second, this article shows that the younger generation in the U.S. population are on these sites and are very active – so this is a good outlet to incorporate into the classroom as well.  I will be teaching PR Cases this fall at the University of Tennessee, and I will be using various social media sites to promote interaction with the students along with allowing the students to learn more about the medium.  More PR firms and agencies are expecting graduates to understand and know how to implement these tactics on social media strategically – so I believe that the more practice and familiarity that the students get with social media, the more prepared they will be in the workplace.

Hope you all are having a great day!

Best Wishes,
