I feel that in order to understand a culture – you have to try out the local cuisine.  Whether it is bobatie in South Africa to Peking Duck in China, I believe that it is important to do this whereever you travel.  Well, in a couple of days, I will be on my way to Amsterdam to present at the Reputation Institute conference. My case study focuses on the global brand of Heineken, and their recent US advertising campaign during the 2009 Super Bowl.  It was a very interesting case to look at, and I am excited about presenting it at the RI Conference.

But, like my trips to South Africa and China, I felt that I needed to have a Heineken to understand the meaning behind the name and reputation of the corporation.  My family and friends know that I am not much of a drinker, but yesterday I had my first beer, and it was a Heineken.  I have to say, it was very good – and I can say that their slogan “It’s all about the beer” definitely rings true.  Heineken is an example of a brand that has a strong corporate reputation and a sound product – and it is no wonder that they are one of the global leading corporations with a good reputation.

Have a great day!

Best Wishes,
