It has been a very busy but exciting conference here in Denver, CO. The AEJMC Conference has been a wonderful experience for me as a conference attendee – I have been able to go to several presentations focusing on risk and crisis communications that were interesting and insightful. One was a panel presentation on the hot topic of the BP Oil Spill. Hearing the perspectives of each of the panelists was great – from the journalism view to public relations, it easily presented the issue in different areas.

No matter where in the world we are -- Beijing, Rome or Athens -- we love to stop and have a meal at the local Hard Rock Cafe! It's a little bit of Americana! CLICK on the picture to be transported to the Hard Rock Cafe in Denver!
One of the heat things about the AEJMC Conference is the opportunity to meet and greet other researchers and professors from other universities at sponsored socials. I was able to go to the Institute for Public Relations, Florida, and Boston social reception at the Hard Rock Cafe in Denver. It was really a well organized event and really a wonderful opportunity to talk with professionals all around the USA in Public Relations.
The second social I went to was he one sponsored by Tennessee – it was really neat to catch up fellow graduates and professors at Tennessee. I had some great conversations on social media and public relations at the event with fellow researchers and students. It was a lot of fun! Another great thing about the conference has been to stay connected what is going on at e conference via social media on Twitter, Tumblr, and Foursquare. Very neat!
Hope you all are having a wonderful day!
Best Wishes,