Social media – both in research and practice – is becoming a very hot and chic topic among professionals, researchers, and students.  More corporations are putting financial support into this new medium now, and more people are talking about how to strategically manage of these various sites for their own personal use or professionally.  Finding resources for public relations professionals about social media in many ways is very challenging, but easy at the same time.  It appears that everyone is jumping on board with implementing social media into their campaigns, research, and even in the classroom.  However, it is important to look and see what are some of the other resources available online that are good to have for not only professional reasons, but incorporating them into the classroom as well as valuable resources.  A few months ago, I decided to create a feature on my blog showcasing some of the public relations / social media readings I was looking at for the day.  Now, I am doing a similar feature, but with presentations that I feel are valuable and insightful to look at in regards to social media and public relations.  Here are a few that I thought were very useful:

  • Burson-Marsteller Global Social Media Check-up: A presentation on a study that the PR firm conducted looking at how social media is being used throughout the world and in various countries.  This is good to share with students in the classroom when you are talking about international public relations and social media.
  • Digital Trends 2010: Interesting presentation that focuses on what are some of the current trends going on with the new medium, and what are some potential issues that public relations professionals and others have to look at when they are using social media – both the opportunities and challenges they may be facing.
  • Executive’s Guide for Social Media and Crisis Management: A must read for sure for all senior executives, public relations professionals, and others who are working in the corporate world and who need to understand the risks, challenges, and issues that may arise for their organization.  This presentation provides clear organization and current cases that are relevant for any PR professional to be aware of in relations to social media and crisis communications.

Overall, these are just some of the presentations on social media that I thought would be useful for you all to look at – all of the authors of these presentations are sharing some valuable information about social media, and these are indeed great resources to have when conducting your own research or thinking about strategic plans for a social media campaign.

Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

Best Wishes,
