In just a few days, I will be heading to Washington D.C. for the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication (otherwise known as AEJMC) annual conference. It’s going to be a busy but fabulous couple of days hearing some great research presentations, exploring new points of view in the area of PR, networking with new and old friends and colleagues, and presenting research as well.
I am scheduled to present the top teaching paper in the PRD (:)!!) with co-authors Tiffany Gallicano (University of Oregon) and Gee Ekachai (Marquette University). I am very excited and honored to be presenting with these amazing ladies on our research on infographics being used as an assignment in PR and social media classes.
However, I am also going to be working with the fellow social media committee members (Tiffany, Melissa, and Geah) to contribute, report, and update everything related to the AEJMC Public Relations Division (PRD) during the conference.
So, where should you go if you want to follow what is going on at the conference? Well, make sure to follow AEJMC PRD on Facebook a and Twitter of course – these are our primary accounts that we will be using. We will also be using Instagram as well during the conference for pictures and short clips from the conference as well. To follow these pictures and updates on social media, you will want to make sure to follow the following hashtags for the AEJMC Conference: #aejmc2013, #aejmc13, and #prprofs (specific just to PR professors).
Also, make sure to download the AEJMC Conference app as well – definitely essential to have so you can keep track of all of these social media conversations and updates on the presentations in a centralized location!
In case you want to get a transcript of some of the top tweets, shares, updates, and pictures from AEJMC, we also do have a Storify account we have set up where we will post the highlights from each conference day and share them across social media platforms.
It should be a great conference and I am looking forward to seeing everyone in DC! Have a great day.
Best Wishes,