Spirit Airlines and Customers (Courtesy of MSNBC.com)
Since I just came back from attending a research seminar on risk and crisis communications, I felt that it was necessary to have a post that discusses how one company is doing what they are not supposed to do in a crisis situation. No, I am not talking about what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico with the BP Oil Crisis nightmare (that is another story in itself). I am talking about what is going on with Spirit Airlines. It appears that the airlines has decided to cancel of their flights until Tuesday due to the pilot strike that is going on with the company. The result has really impacted those flying on the airlines and has become one of the more shared and discussed stories currently online and in some of the major media outlets.
There are several red flags that come up in this case for me. First, you have to ask why exactly is motivating pilots so much right now to go on strike? Is it due to the money? Or is it that they do not feel valued by the corporation? Well, it all depends on what you look at it – but there are several parties that are being negatively impacted. Not only are the employees in a hard situation, but the customers that were and are supposed to be flying via Spirit Airlines are paying the price. There are those stranded at airports and expressing their outrage via Twitter and other location based application like Trendsmap. I would particularly be interested to see if the social media team at Spirit Airlines is currently monitoring what is being discussed online, or if they are turning a blind eye to a growing issue in terms of damaging its already tarnished reputation in the airline industry. This needs to be communicated online, offline through traditional media sources, and in person.
What they need to do is to address the concerns of both parties (employees and customers) immediately – take responsibility for what is going on, make sure to be transparent in actions and procedures, and give customers and employees actions steps so they feel part of the system and be able to reduce their uncertainty. Until Spirit Airlines does this, their reputation will continue to be affected. Spirit Airlines also has to be aware of what discussions and communication messages are being disseminated online and through the social media networks – people are talking about this, and will continue to do so. As they say – what is posted online stays online – and it is hard to get back a reputation after a crisis. We will have to wait and see what happens next.
These are just a few of my thoughts on the subject. Hope you all are having a great day.
Best Wishes,