Google Glass is still a relatively new tool – it has been interesting exploring what others are thinking about it as well as exploring how others are using it, especially in the classroom. If you want to see some true innovation with Google Glass in the classroom, make sure to check out what Dr. William Ward (Syracuse University) is doing in his class at Syracuse.
Having students create and propose apps dedicated to Google Glass is very cool. This allows students to be engaged with the technology as well as be creative with their ideas. This is going to help agencies, businesses, and others with the overall understanding and application of this new emerging tool. Jennifer Moss has also done some great work with her presentations on how Google Glass can be used in education – check it out.
I had a chance to guest lecture for one of my friends and fellow colleagues this week about Google Glass. I was able to do a Google+ hangout with Amber Hutchins and her students at Kennesaw State University, and it was a lot of fun.
I was able to share my experiences so far with Glass and what are some of the implications we are seeing with Glass for PR and social media professionals. From crisis communications to documenting to even reality shows (yes, there is a reality show about Google Glass), there are still lots of opportunities here for PR professionals.
In case you are interested, here is my presentation on Slideshare. Most of the points I highlighted here involved PR, but I also discussed a bit more on how Google Glass can be used for emergency management and crisis communications.
This was a fun lecture to be a part of and I am going to continue exploring how to use Google Glass both in my research as well as in the classroom. Next week, I will be heading to Las Vegas to present on a panel dedicated to emerging technologies for PR and journalism, and Google Glass will be there of course. Will keep you all posted on this.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,