Friends at this year's Halloween Party. I was dressed up as 'Boo' from Monster's Incorporated
Here are my readings for today:
“Social networks are an information gateway that allow people to share and connect in ways that were never previously possible. They can also be a pretty clever way to rob your neighbors. Burglars are starting to realize the criminal possibilities of social media. For example, Foursquare or Facebook can show when somebody is away from their home or traveling for the weekend. What better time to ransack when your victim is in Aruba? Credit Sesame, a personal finance tool and website, conducted a survey of 50 ex-burglars in the UK Nearly 80% of them said they had used Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare to target which properties to rob. Another 73% said they used Google Street View to scope out neighborhoods ahead of time.”
“This week, my firm received possibly the worst job query I’ve ever seen. That’s saying a lot, given the stacks of résumés and letters sent to our firm each year. Given the tight job market and need for skilled workers in our field, this applicant sets the bar for how not to conduct a job search and sell yourself. Here’s the letter, with some details excised to protect the applicant. All misspellings and missing words are preserved:
‘I am a student from XXX State University I plan on graduating this spring and was very interested in applying at your firm. My major is public but I have had experience in advertisement, campaign management, and social media. I will of course sent you a portfolio and resume upon my graduation I just find it appropriate to contact you early. I extremely respect your business and I feel I have the ability to add to your already sterling reputation.
Thank You
Sent from my iPhone'”
“Since launching a program to put products in the hands of influencers a year and a half ago, Klout has done more than 100 deals with brands such as Starbucks, Audi, Secret and Microsoft. And now it’s ramping up the program, its main revenue stream for which it charges between five and six figures per program — it did 25 deals in September alone. “
““There are so many conversations taking place about careers, leadership and management that it’s hard to decide which one to be a part of.” I hear this from people all of the time; especially those out of work who just don’t know what to believe or which voices to follow. As we transition from a centralized to decentralized workplace, one thing is certain: you must be actively involved with conversations that will advance your career and your influence. In today’s economy, influence is the new job currency and without it you are now more vulnerable than ever.”