Can you tell something important about yourself in a small space? Try infographic! Here is an infographic on me!
Here is what I am reading today:
“Choosing the right blog service is important. Your blog service will affect your blog’s appearance, as well as what you’re able to do with it. Every blog service has some limitations, and some services are better than others for certain purposes.
Now that you know about various blog services, you can think about the features you want for your blog and decide which service is best for you. For instance, if you want a blog that’s more like a website, with different categories and sections, you should probably choose a traditional blog service.”
“I had a great time in Milan a few months ago – great atmosphere and cuisine! Highly recommend it! “
“Kickstarter is helping to change the startup world, I’m not sure how many of you have backed projects on there, but I can tell you it feels great to help a start up and still get the product you wanted them to make. So check this one out, launched just a few days ago, and already smashing through their $250,000 backing requirement, the Instacube is a pretty cool connected object for all you hipsters out there, and it’s been generating some serious hype online.”
“The saying: “If you’re not paying for it, you’re not the consumer, you’re the product” is truer than ever and if you’re not paying for a service through your wallet, then you’re paying for it through the data you enter. Practically every site gathers data in some form, for analytics, for business or to help improve the user experience. Figuring out a way to monetise large amounts of data is the main concern for many sites, which is why a lot of social media sites offer targeted advertising in the form of promoted tweets or sponsored stories.”
“According to Deanna Brown, CEO, Federated Media Publishing, “Content, in the right context, is ultimately king.”
Welcome to the evolution of publishing, where storytelling, advertising, and technology intersect. By having unhindered access to social and mobile media platforms, brands are experimenting with paid, owned, and earned media to reach connected consumers in their channels of relevance. As brands dabble in publishing, traditional marketing and advertising networks are also evolving.”
“Your opinion is very important to us.
Would you be interested in participating in a short survey? Thanks in advance for your help. Your participation will make a difference.”