I had the opportunity to be part of a great Google Glass teaching panel this weekend in Washington D.C. with some amazing professors and practitioners in the PR field. Special thanks to Amber Hutchins for organizing and getting all of us today for this great panel! It was great to brainstorm ideas also along with Melissa Dodd (University of Central Florida) and Katie Paine (Paine Publishing).

Katie Paine, Melissa Dodd, Amber Hutchins, and I at our Google Glass PR panel at EAPRSA.
We didn’t really have a PowerPoint for the presentation, but I did create this one in advance with some stories and talking points I wanted to share about my experience with Google Glass over the last year. Melissa Dood also created a great list of ideas and resources on Google Glass here for everyone to look at and save. It was great to hear from everyone not only their stories, but also hear from the audience as well on what they think are some of the main assignments and ways it can be integrated into the classroom.
Google Glass has been a great and innovative tool to include as part of the classroom, especially in my social media class. I feel that it does open the door for wearable and mobile technologies and integrating them as part of a strategic storytelling function. Plus, we are also able to see the POV of the individual in slightly a new way, where we are able to see what they are viewing and be part of this shared experience.
In addition, the number of apps and functions (ex. directions, apps, creating videos/visuals, getting notifications, etc) are very cool to share with the students. I do think however, there are many opportunities to conduct brainstorming sessions with students and see not only what they think, but also what they can do with this form of technology that could help them with their future careers. Getting experience in coding and creating apps for Glass are just a few ideas to consider.
With this panel, there were a lot of ideas and points shared with fellow PR professors, and I do think this is just the beginning of a future discussion and collaborative effort in the PR academic community when it comes to wearable technologies. It was cool during the conference to see Google Glass also engage with all of us on Twitter!
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,