I am off to another travel adventure and conference presentation. It seems this particular month has been pretty busy for me in terms of travel and conferences. I guess that’s the life of a social media scholar and professional – but that is what makes it very exciting!
Just in the last couple of weeks, I have been across the US and even overseas. Washington D.C., West Virginia, Barcelona, Paris, and now I am heading to my last conference for the summer (until August for AEJMC), and this one is going to be in China.

Off to China!
I am heading to the BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Emerging InfoTech to give an invited presentation on social media, particularly focusing on the area of the past, present, and future of strategic communications.
The conference is going to be located in Dalian, China. I was in China a few years ago (Beijing and Hong Kong) for the Reputation Institute Conference, and thoroughly enjoyed my time in the country. I am looking forward to the conference as well as spending time in Dalian.
Well, I’m about to board my flight now – hope you all are having a great day and will keep you all posted on my travels!
Best Wishes,