Some professions have certain reputations and characteristics. Whether it is by appearance or roles, there are some things that people attribute to PR and the people that are working in the field. There are definitely some signs in which you are working in PR, and there are some that are attributed to those that are working and researching in the field. This article that appeared on PR Daily by Lauren Fernandez definitely is a good one – and I am definitely guilty of some of these (especially the points about coffee and walking around in very high heels with my bookbag and iPhone!) Along with these signs, I came up with a few of my own that I would like to share with you all.
So, you know when you are working in social media & PR (research, teaching, and consulting) when:
- The first site that you check in the morning is Mashable.
- Always on the front line in not only trying out new technology – but also blogging, tweeting, and sharing information with friends and followers.
- You think about both the positives and negatives of every situation and try to create a strategic plan to formulate the final decision.
- You create your own terminology that is reflective to your own personality: For me, when something is amazing and absolutely wonderful – I say that is FABULOUS! When I am not pleased with something, then I am like “cannot be seen with this!”
- Your daily routine is sleep, eat, research, tweet, update, and repeat.
- Besides making a fashion statement, your main accessories for your personal brand include: smartphone, Business cards with QR Codes, and an iPad.
- You feel totally disconnected with the world without your smartphone and having the latest applications.
- Before you say, post, or discuss something online – you ask yourself, how is this going to be reflective of my personal brand?
- When a new social media site comes out – along with thinking about the opportunities, you are crafting a SWOT analysis, research study proposal, strategic plan presentation, and crisis communication proposal just in case.
- Writing, communicating, and engaging all what you like about social media and PR.
- You consider yourself to be an explorer with learning and growing as an individual – learning does not stop in the classroom.
- You consider yourself a walking brand – by the way you present yourself as well as how you dress – everything involves about maintaining a certain image and presence – it is all about being fabulous!
- You are the ultimate multitasker: You are able to do multiple projects at a given time – research studies, white papers, and presentations that are all happening at once while holding on to your smartphone to update your FB and Twitter statuses.
- Your day not only begins with coffee – you consider it to be a major food group!
- Besides knowing PR jargon and key terms – you are up-to-date with the latest terms and key words associated with social media.
Anyway, there are just some of the characteristics that I have listed down that I have noticed just from my own personal experience as well as seeing others in the same field. In summary, working and researching in PR and social media is very rewarding and I would not change a think about it. It is a great profession and discipline where you get to learn something new every day and experience meeting new people around the world. It is a very exciting and rewarding job!
Hope you all are having a great day and Happy Easter!
Best Wishes,