2011 is indeed the year for mobile social networking, and we have seen already the impact that mobile technologies have had on the public relations field.  However, one app that seems to be gaining a lot of attention in the seocial media community is called Color.  According to a recent article that appeared on ReadWriteWeb, the app is all about giving the user the opportunity with the app to connect to  “nearby smartphones, whether at a local park or at a concert, using advanced proximity algorithms” and instantly shares photos, videos, comments and likes with them.”  In other words – what makes Color unique compared to other mobile social networking sites is that it combines location with social networking – friends and those that are in the same area as you in terms of location.  Also, it adds another layer of social networking by mining which of your friends were at the location you were at previously and saves those into your “memory” on Color.  Interesting!


So, what can the new app Color do for PR professionals in terms of implementation in their campaigns and communication messages?  Well, here are a few things that I thought about that the public relations community should consider and think about in terms of the application of this new application:

Power of sharing, tagging, and commenting on real-time photos: Allowing users to have the ability to comment in real time of photos taken at not only publicity events and fundraisers – but this also raises the issue of how this is going to impact the crisis communications field.  Of course, there are many issues here that come into play similar to Foursquare and Gowalla in sharing locations with others – but when you put a visual with the location and text information – this adds another level to the game and something that public relations professionals and businesses need to consider.

Connecting and sharing information not just with friends, but with those based on location and interaction: This app allows people to connect with sharing information in real time with those that they are already friends with or follow on various social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook – but with Color – you are connected with those in the same location as you are.  Imagine the effect that this would have not only for positive events, but also in crisis situations – and how this app could be used in sharing information and communicate warnings to those around in the same location.  This brings the principle of geolocation application to crisis communications practices and message strategies with emerging technology in a very big way.

Online reputation in mobile social networking and technology: As they say in social media, a picture is worth a thousand words, and with this new app – it not only has pictures, but it shows location, time, and the ability to share this with friends as well as others that have been at the same location previously as well as those that are at the location at the same time.  I can see this definitely being an interest for not only PR and business professionals, but definitely lawyers and employers to consider when looking at the reputation of clients and prospective employees.

Opportunity to share in real-time information to motivate people to act accordingly: In a crisis, public relations professionals are actively engaged in motivating people to either go for shelter, go to a specific location for safety or other reasons, etc.  With the app Color, these individuals can allow users to share information on where to go for assistance and possible information by providing pictures of these locations and share this with others who are in the same area.  What needs to be considered here is the risk of false information and intention in a crisis situation when it comes to new technology.  This is certainly a risk that public relations professionals practicing in crisis communications have to 1) be aware of 2) integrate into current crisis communication practices and 3) consider the actions based on the various scenarios presented with this new technology.

Adding to the elements of social media metrics and monitoring: Color is another app that combines various metrics that public relations professionals would have to consider in addition to the traditional social media metrics.  For example, what are the real-time analytics for posting and sharing these pictures with the online community?  How many pictures are considered to be measured in all of these memories in the multi-lens in Color?

These are just some of the things that public relations professionals would need to consider and think about with this new app.  Is mobile social networking and apps like Color the future for communicating and sharing information for professionals in public relations and social media?  What are the implications for crisis communication professionals?  All of these questions should be discussed in the field and profession – and another reason why we have to 1) be aware of the latest trends and technologies 2) research and figure out the benefits and challenges that this raises for the field and 3) discuss how to integrate these points into current public relations campaigns / message strategies / research / and crisis communications plans.

Hope you all are having a great day.

Best Wishes,
