The thing that is unique and interesting about some of the main geolocation applications is the fact that they are combining various mediums together and allowing people to search and share information based on location.  Small businesses, corporations, and individual professionals can all use these various geolocation applications for their professional and personal lives.

Other specific areas within public relations and strategic communications are also implementing these applications into their daily activities. From health communication professions such as doctors and hospitals as well as with crisis communication professionals as well. Emergency responders have initiated these various applications for specific states like how Georgia has done – but also universities have done this as well.  In fact, the University of Louisville has their own app called CardSafety which incorporates this into practice. In terms of social activities – we use these various apps to meet up with friends like Friendjectory.

Plus, there are applications which allow you to participate in a game atmosphere to accomplish a certain objective and receive rewards and deals.  Foursquare and Gowalla have certainly have done this successfully in various campaigns.  E-commerce and digital coupons are also hot right now – Groupon and Living Social have been very strong in offering fabulous food and excursion deals specifically based on a certain location.  Searching for food and restaurants are also being incorporated based on location – Ness is a wonderful app in searching for restaurants in a new city or location. As a true foodie, we need to know where the best food places are in the area! 🙂

Brands are also incorporating this into creating specific location based applications for people to use on their mobile devices.  Walmart has partnered with Facebook to accomplish this with their newMy Local Walmart app.  Will this be a trend to watch and be aware of for future PR and Strategic Communications campaigns?  Time will tell to see how this will all play out in the business sphere.

However, there are some concerns and risks associated with these applications.  The issue of privacy and transparency are just two points that seem to come up in particular with geolocation sites along with the issue of security and safety concerns.  There are some points and guidelines you do want to consider and be aware of – but also recognize the fact that in order to fully understand these applications – we have to look at both the pros and cons in what they can offer to businesses, corporations, and individuals.

In summary, what we have to be aware of is that there is a high expectation to have applications that offer many different features in terms of information.  Visual, audio, textual, social, and location based information are all what are becoming the norm to what to expect in applications today in late 2011.  The future is bright and full of life when it comes to mobile applications. 🙂

Hope you all are having a great day!

Best Wishes,
