We had another great guest speaker today come to my social media class here at the University of Louisville today. I first met Jason Falls back a few months ago at the Emerging Media Summit in Louisville, and I was very impressed. I have followed Jason’s work on Social Media Explorer as well as his personable, memorable, and insightful comments on social media over the years, so I was truly excited to meet in him person.
We have stayed in touch and when I was about to start my social media class here at the University of Louisville, I asked Jason if he could possibly come to campus for a guest lecture. He said yes – and I was very excited! It is not every day you get to hear from one of the most influential social media professionals out there today.

Jason Falls speaks to UofL Social Media Class
Jason came to our social media class today (last official class meeting before our finals week and their campaign proposals), and the topic originally was going to focus on research. However, Jason asked if it was okay to talk about what was going on in Boston related to social media and the implications this would have for social media practitioners. I said absolutely – this is something that is happening right now and there are many implications we have to discuss as PR professionals regarding social media practices.

Notes from Jason’s presentation
Jason’s presentation to the class was very captivating – his ability to share stories, insights, and perspectives across various disciplines from journalism, business, government, and even legal – was amazing.
We were able to have an energetic conversation about what were some of the major things we are seeing right now with social media, especially at a time of crisis. Crowdsourcing news (good and bad), level of trust and credibility attributed to various sources, and the legal implications emerging through these conversations were just some of the things discussed today by Jason in the full class period.
I have seen Jason present several times, and I have to say that this was a presentation that was captivating across all levels. Personally, I walked into class with one mindset in place and walked out of class with lots of questions and points I wanted to look into more as a social media researcher and professional myself.
Thank you Jason for opening the door into these conversations on these emerging issues and trends in social media. This was enlightening not only for my students, but for me as well.
Hope you all are having a great day.
Best Wishes,