social media

"To succeed in our new world... make social media part of your life"-- Karen

The Spring 2011 semester is going to be a great one – I am going to be finishing up my dissertation (defending this semester as well) along with continuing to teach both online and offline.  I will be teaching the PR Principles class this semester again – I really enjoyed teaching this class last semester and looking forward to this semester as well!  I will also be the TA for the other section of PR Principles at Tennessee, and I will also be the TA for the new Social Media class in the Advertising and PR department.

I am super excited about this class at Tennessee – this class will have a combination of undergraduate and graduate students in Communications (primarily Advertising and Public Relations), and the professor for the course (Dr. Childers) has done an amazing job organizing and preparing materials and assignments for the class. There will be of course individual projects for the students that will give them hands on experience in working on current issues that they will be addressing beyond the class (ex. online reputation management) along with group projects and assignments.

One assignment that the class will be implementing will be the Foursquare assignment that I had my students do last semester as well as this semester as well.  It was a fun assignment for the students to do, and it gave them 1) researching what exactly Foursquare was; 2) experience in using Foursquare and 3) critically thinking if it would be appropriate or not for their business of choice, and what are some of the opportunities and challenges in using Foursquare for their business and communication practices.  Plus, the students liked the assignment and thought it was fun! 🙂  So, I am very excited about having this wonderful opportunity to help out with this new class in Social Media. 🙂

The class is going to be implementing all of the various social media platforms out there while integrating mobile technology into both the classroom and assignments.  What I really like about the class is that the areas focused on in social media will not only build a foundation for the students in terms of understanding and knowing about social media – but have the skills to apply these platforms into the workplace in both practice and in research.

Classes at Tennessee start next week, and I am looking forward to meeting all of the students and to the discussions we will have on public relations and social media! 🙂  Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

Best Wishes,



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