One of the skills we are seeing being featured across the board for public relations professionals is the area of photo and video editing. Visuals can really enhance the overall story and provide a window into what people are experiencing and how they see the world. This is one of the reasons why Instagram has been very successful in this way for both individuals as well as brands.
One of the challenges we are seeing with this is the fact that either 1) photo editing software programs are pretty expensive; 2) the time it takes to get every light and edit in a photo is time consuming; and 3) classes offered are not always available. Personally, I have always loved photography – taking pictures spontaneous of friends at track and field meets, landscape of cool locations around the world, and even fabulous meals. What can I say – I come from a long line of foodies in my family!
There are of course many different photo editing and storytelling apps out there for users to use – but which ones are good for PR professionals and students to use? There are a few that I think are really great and can enhance your images to be effective in receiving attention and stimulate conversations:

A photo taken with FilterMania2 of the University of Louisville. Go Cards!
- Camera+: This probably one of the must downloaded apps you have to use – great app for various editing and lighting for your photos.
- FilterMania 2: Amazing new app I discovered that is a free app (yes, I did say free!) on iTunes and it really allows you to provide some great filters to your photos. There are other filters you can download in the process as well that can include pictures of well known landmarks to incorporate into your own picture. Pretty neat if I say so myself!
- Marblecam: This app transforms your picture by presenting the image either looking at a glass marble or micro lens.
- PhotoWonder: This app allows you to not only provide some filters to your photos, but also allows you to even do a little retouching as well if needed. You can edit, crop, and create collages of some of your photos to share with others
- Pitch: This app is pretty fabulous – it allows you to create a short video (60 seconds at most) with photos and videos to share your story and experiences. Here are some of the ptchs I have done so far!
- Honorable Mentions: Pixlomatic and Camera! are both pretty good apps as well – and they are actually free also on iTunes.
In summary, mobile apps are allowing people to be able to edit and transform their pictures into something much more in a very easy and seamless way. What I find amazing is the fact that most of these apps are free and can produce some great results. All of the apps allow you to either save the photo or share them via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Hope you all are having a fabulous day!
Best Wishes,