One of the things that I absolutely love is technology – whether it is for school to professional reasons to personal reasons.  I feel that there are some stores that I could spend hours in, and two are definitely the Apple Store and Best Buy.  I love shopping for computers, phones, or other really neat gadgets! 🙂

Technology is key for communication professionals, especially those in PR.  We have to be up to the latest form of technologies that our publics use to communicate and share information with each other.  And of course, it is all about the reputation and image of the PR professional as well – can’t be out of date! 🙂

Well, for the past couple of weeks, I have been doing some research on cell phones.  I have had a Palm Treo for three years (that is a record for me!) and my family and I went to the local Sprint store to look at what we could get.  I decided to go with the Palm Pro – which is absolutely fabulous!  It has so many applications and functions that you can use – and it is perfect to update and use for social media purposes.  Even though I have only had my new phone for a day – it already has all of the social media applications (ex. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)

One of the cool things that I found out that you can do with it is use it for Skype.  My family and I are all on Skype, and I had no idea that you can also have Skype on your mobile phone.  Well, now I do!  What is neat is that it allows me to use my phone internationally – which I am going to do in the next couple of weeks both in Amsterdam and in Athens.  By having Skype on my phone, I can use it to call home without worrying about the huge international rates – which is good in my book! 🙂  Dad also got a new phone – which is also super chic! 🙂

Hope you all are having a great day!

Best Wishes,
