“Wingardium Leviosa” at Harry Potter in Orlando! They chose me out of the crowd to participate and I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
Here is what I am reading today:
“Can you believe we’ve just sailed past the first half of 2012? Social media continues to make inroads into our business lives and is finally being taken seriously by business leaders in most industries from entertainment to healthcare to financial services to non-profits and beyond.
Here’s 3 Big Trends to Watch for the Next 6 Months:”
“The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) has provided considerable insight into the public’s intention to comply with many different health-related messages, but has not been applied previously to intention to comply with food safety recommendations and recalls (Hallman & Cuite, 2010). Because food recalls can differ from other health messages in their urgency, timing, and cessation, the applicability of the TPB in this domain is unknown. The research reported here attempted to address this gap using a nationally representative consumer panel. Results showed that, consistent with the theory’s predictions, attitudes and subjective norms were predictive of the intention to comply with a food recall message, with attitudes having a much greater impact on intent to comply than subjective norms. Perceived behavioral control failed to predict intention to comply. Implications of these results for health public relations and crisis communications and recommendations for future research were discussed.” — Karen Freberg
“We’ve seen a website made of bacon, so I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that someone has now come up with an edible QR Code.
As this video demonstrates, the minds at Taco Bell and ad agency Draftfcb Orange County have spawned a QR code made of lemons and avocados. The effort is for Taco Bell’s new Cantina Bell menu, which includes gourmet-ish items from chef Lorena Garcia. The codes are running in print ads in US Weekly and People. As one YouTube wag notes, the chain is “really thinking outside the guacs.””
“The other week my colleague Vinay Iyer posted a blog that looked at how a company might use social media to improve its relationships with their customers. Some companies are already doing this, but it’s also clear that some companies also have a learning curve here about what constitutes a service that customers value and what constitutes stalking.”
“Once upon a time, all singles needed to worry about was waiting long enough in between dates to place the next phone call. Now, daters must think about the “right” time to send a Facebook request or start Twitter following the person you’re dating — in addition to refraining from Internet stalking a new crush.
Besides the obvious — like, not friending your new boyfriend or girlfriend’s pals before meeting them — we’ve spoken to leading relationship experts for the nitty-gritty.
Below are some modern social media guidelines that will propel new, and long-term, romantic relationships.”
“Social media is the news source of choice for Britain’s under 25-year-olds residents.
According to the first Reuters Institute Digital Report, 43% of people between 16 and 24 get their news from social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, rather than search engines, such as Google, the Telegraph reports.”