It is interesting for me to see others working in other professions discuss about what public relations professionals actually do. Some feel that we are all about getting paid publicity, or that we “spin” our stories to present ourselves in a better light, or that we are doctors in krafting messages. Well, I have to say that public relations is more than media relations and publicity – there is a definite strategic aspect of the profession that is very unique.
We not only have to be aware of messages, but we have to be creative and innovative in implementing them. Public relations professionals have to be forward-thinking, strategic, and perceptive of individual’s thoughts and opinions on certain issues, while recognizing current trends that are happening in society. In many ways, PR professionals have to be skilled in many aspects of communication and business practices – like marketing and advertising. The more skill sets that we have to offer for our client, the better.
There was a great article that appeared today in Ad Age that talks about how it is very easy for corporations and individuals to say “yes, we want social media for our brand” – but it is a completely different ball game to know how to successfully implement this. I really liked the point at the end where Phil Johnson says that it is important to make the effort to understand social media, and comparing it to learning the language of the country that you are visiting.
I completely agree with this point – to be successful in an age where technology is booming, you have got to learn the culture and language that is used – and thoroughly understand how it is being used by the interested publics. In other words, PR professionals not only have to seek out these new communication outlets like social media, but they have to become one with it – and be confident to learn and recognize that taking the effort will pay off in the long run. That is one thing that I have enjoyed being in Public Relations, each day brings in something new – whether it is a new client or product or technology – we are constantly learning and adapting to our everchanging business environment.
I hope that you all are having a great day.
Best Wishes,