Bring on the potato chips! Get the living room ready for company! Make sure that the appropriate football jersey is ready to be worn! That is right… this pre-competition ritual can only mean one thing.. SUPER BOWL TIME! Yes, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals will be playing against each other in Super Bowl 43 in Tampa Bay.
As my family and friends know, I absolutely love football! I am a huge college football fan (got to cheer on USC, Florida, and UT!) and I like professional football as well. I think that it is a great sport where athletes come together for a very competitve game that can make players into heroes in a matter of seconds. It is a very exciting football game.
What is very interesting about this Super Bowl is the fact that they have implemented every social media technique that you can think of! From having a Super Bowl blog to even having a Twitter account for the Super Bowl! How cool is that?!! It goes to show you that it seems that everyone– individuals and businesses– are coming on board with social media in their public relations and advertising campaigns.
Plus, I also like watching the Super Bowl commercials as well. It is interesting to see what is presented and shown during the program. Some are emotional (the Budweiser beer commercials with the horses ALWAYS get me!) from the very unique ones. And of course there is the half-time show and other events that go along with the Super Bowl as well!
However, it is a great time to come together with friends, family, and fellow fans. Even though my parents and Karla are out in California and Kris is in Iraq– we will be watching the game together in spirit. For this Super Bowl, I will be cheering for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Anyway, I hope that you all have a fabulous Super Bowl Sunday and have a wonderful day!
Best Wishes,