International Public Relations Conference

Hello everyone,

I am in Miami! Yes, I am in the city that has South Beach, the University of Miami Hurricanes, and lots and lots of palm trees! And the weather here is absolutely wonderful– the low today was 67– isn’t that AMAZING! I totally miss the warm weather! šŸ™‚ So, why am I here? Well, I will be presenting this weekend at the International Public Relations Research Conference. My second conference in two weeks– wow! šŸ™‚ Very exciting- definitely not much down time!

I think that this is a great experience– conferences are really important in terms of presenting your research and also networking as well. The conference starts tomorrow night with a welcome social and the research presentations start Friday. My presentation is on Sunday– so I have a few days to relax and prepare! šŸ™‚

I did have a bit of an adventure on my way down to Miami. I flew out of Knoxville at 7 am this morning (which means that I had to get up like at 4 am– yikes!) and then headed down to Atlanta. I spent a lot of time in the Atlanta airport when I was a track and field athlete at the University of Florida. Anyway, I got on the plane to Miami, but we got there– and then we found out the airport was closed! And we were running out of fuel– so we headed to Ft. Lauderdale. We had to stay there for a couple of hours to make sure that the weather in Miami had passed.

Needless to say, a few hours later– I finally made it back to Miami. All’s well that ends well! šŸ™‚ I hope you all are having a great day! šŸ™‚

Best Wishes,

Karen šŸ™‚