I am in New York City and presenting in only 2 hours!

Hello everyone! I have two hours until I present, but I wanted to get this final post up on what I was reading:

“Facebook is about sharing. We share updates that reveal little pieces of our lives, and we check out our friends’ updates to share in little pieces of their lives. And when there are pictures, links, comments, companies and various other things that we like, we share that as well. Companies and brands have a wonderful opportunity to participate in this give and take, and engage in real conversations with their customers and fans on Facebook. As PR professionals, how can we help our clients connect with their communities through Facebook? Here are some tips.”

The article says that 91 % of college professors use social media in their work… really?

“Content-sharing is a common currency for women online, and most use the internet to some extent for word-of-mouth. Some key influencer groups rely on online communication more than others, and some subgroups are power users of social networking sites who use them as a major communication tool to get the word out about brands—and anything else—they love.”

“Big congrats to my facebook friends Aaron Sachs and Rebekah Bowen on their blog mention for their creation of the TNJN app for our Social Media Class at Tennessee — very fabulous!  :D”


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