"Art imitates Life!" A real life flight of my sister Kristin during our time at the Reputation Institute in Rio, and a 'screen shot' of the very popular on-line game "Mafia Wars" with a similar scene.
Here is what I am reading today!:
“In May, LinkedIn became the first social media company to offer an initial public offering (IPO), launching a wave of similar companies that are taking their business public to raise money. At last check, LinkedIn’s market cap is about $7 billion. The recent investor acceptance of LinkedIn has once again focused my attention on the usefulness of this social network. Here are a few areas of LinkedIn to which you ought to pay close attention: “
“Malicious hackers have targeted Google’s social networking service, Google+, for the first time in a scam that involves fake invites to the service, Naked Security reports.The fake invites are spreading through email, and they look very similar to the actual invites to the service, down to the email address which seems to be coming from a Google+ member.”
“Dr. Robert Hare stated not too long ago, “If I wasn’t studying psychopaths in prison, I’d do so at the stock exchange” (Babiak & Hare, 2006). While recent news headlines have prominently displayed the misdeeds of corporate America and politicians in power – again and again — the public sees high-powered executives living high-flying existences apparently free of consequence (except for former Gov. Schwarzenegger and Cong. Rep. Weiner, of course), are they really psychopaths? Is there such a thing as functional psychopathology? Is there a reason we evolved this “dark side” of human personality?
The research says yes.”
“This is a great infographic that has just been released from the team at get satisfaction. It gives you an interesting insight into why people follow brands in the social media space. The main reason is pretty obvious, apart from being a current customer of the brand, is to receive special offers or deals, however there are some other interesting stats …”
“The Google+ community apparently values what its chief competitor has to say over its creators. That’s the takeaway from a site that purports to keep track of the 100 people with the most followers on Google+. The list says Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is the most-followed person on Google’s newborn social network network—beating out Google CEO Larry Page and company co-founder Sergey Brin. “
- Branded email ( I have done it for years–Karen)
“Does it seem strange for a printing company to be talking about the value of email marketing campaigns? Isn’t email marketing a trend that’s leading to the demise of the print industry? Actually, progressive print and design companies know that smart marketing strategies for clients include a variety of ways to “touch” prospects and customers to build successful relationships. “
“McGraw-Hill launched its first all-digital, cloud-based textbook for the K-12 market on Monday at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference.Unlike the company’s previous digital efforts for this age group, the books are intended to be used as primary texts (other McGraw-Hill digital texts have been sold as a companion of physical textbooks). This is the first time a major publisher has launched such a platform.”