Have you discovered the 'Keurig?' My folks hadn't, so I bought them one! Now, they can't live without it! CLICK on the picture to read more.

Here is what I am reading today:

“Here are the eight steps toward building trust online—beginning with the tip about honest communications—courtesy of Mark Smiciklas, a digital strategist in Vancouver. “

“More than 3.5 million people die each year as the result of water-related disease according to the World Health Organization. Water Canary, a new device unveiled this week at TED Global in Edinburgh, Scotland, hopes to put a dent in this number by providing real-time information on potential outbreaks of disease- infected water….”

“To continue the centennial celebration of Ogilvy & Mather founder David Ogilvy, the agency launches a new iPhone app that invites the public to pitch their “big ideas” to the iconic ad man himself.”

“Among those are the PR colossus Edelman, which actually got into the business of monitoring social influence in 2009 with much less fanfare when it launched its Tweetlevel tool, Tweetlevel.com. Tweetlevel went down earlier this year thanks to an API change from Twitter that affected a lot of third-party apps, so Edelman took the opportunity to revise it as well as Bloglevel, a complementary service. Its London-based creator, Jonny Bentwood, promised me, “This is not a game. There are no perks. And there is no way to game the system.” “