I had the good fortunate to attend Arroyo Grande High School for my first 2 years and near there was this wonderful vineyard that our cross country team would have a yearly run... Talley Vineyards!

Here are a few stories for today… and the Wikileaks PR nightmare that seemingly won’t go away:

“Earlier this evening, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a return appearance on the news program 60 Minutes. Zuckerberg showed off Facebook’s new profile pages and talked about the evolution of the platform and company.Zuckerberg was first interviewed by 60 Minutes in January of 2008. Since that time, the profile of the company — and its CEO — have exploded.”

1) Facebook Unveils New Profiles
2) Tumblr Is Still Down
3) Hundreds of Mirror Sites Keep WikiLeaks Content Online

I think I now understand why the commercial media has turned out such a unanimous show of support for government secrecy: the so-called Fourth Estate, as the American press is known, has gone from being a notional fourth branch of government to being a literal one.”