Recently, there have been some brands that have been lableed as being the ones to look at in terms of best practices in social media – whether it is with Foursquare (Starbucks) to Twitter (Dell and Best Buy) to Facebook (Coca-Cola). However, another brand is showing all of these brands that there is a new social media leader in the online community, and it is Old Spice.
Numerous social media sites like Mashable and Wired have discussed how Old Spice and their Old Spice Man commercials are setting the standard on how corporations can successfully implement a strategic social media campaign. These commercials first were introduced to the public back in the Super Bowl. In the commercials, the Old Spice Man appears in various settings fluidly with witty comments and creates a sense of engagement and interaction with the audience. The spokesperson in the commercial provides humor and makes you remember the commercial because you are laughing at some of the phrases used in the commercial.
With this being said, the reaction online to this campaign has been very positive – and you can see why. Old Spice is creating a campaign that is engaging with audiences, and they are sharing information about their product, but they are also listening to their customers online – which is key. In addition, they are thinking about the long-term relationships with the audiences and not the bottom line in their commercials – and this is what people are looking for today.
Presently, there are so many stories that appear in the national and international press that are either negative or down – and I do believe that people are looking for humor and avenues where they can laugh. Old Spice has created a very integrated and strategic social media campaign – and it is setting a very high standard for other brands to follow. This will be an interesting PR / Marketing case study to look at in the next few years – it is always nice to see a corporation doing something right for a change.
Hope you all are having a great day.
Best Wishes,