There are some commercials that tug on our emotions and we remember them due to the connection and story they communicate to their audiences. Most of the advertisements that have done this have been successful, and sometimes have turned viral.
This has been the case with Skype, and their latest commercial featuring the story of two girls who have communicated just on Skype and how this formulated a strong relationship and shared the first hand experience of them meeting each other for the first time. Warning – make sure to have some tissues on hand! In case you want to see more stories, check out this site.
When I started watching these stories, I realized that I do owe a lot to Skype for where I am presently in my profession. I have to admit, if it wasn’t for Skype, I would not have had the opportunity to talk about social media, engage with students about these topics, and make new connections and networking opportunities. I would have not had the opportunity to encourage students around the US about the possibilities and changes that are happening in social media. I wouldn’t have also had the chance to share with them all about Google Glasses. Without Skype, I would not have been able to do this.
Here’s what amazing stats I just found out about when I was looking at the various guest lectures I have done
- [12] Number of states I have spoken to. The states I have reached include: California, Oregon, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, New Jersey, Missouri, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
- [3] Years of doing Skype Guest Lectures
- [7] Most number of Skype Guest Lectures in a Semester (Fall 2013)
- [12] Number of times giving guest lecture on social media for PR since 2011
- [4]: Skype Guest Lectures featuring Google Glasses [so far!]
Skype has been a great resource for students and professors to engage, have conversations, and network with others around the US and even outside the country. I have been a strong supporter for bringing in the best into the classroom, even if that means virtually. This shows students the power of technology and how they are still able to get a great learning experience that is related to the topic covered for the class. I try to do at least a couple a semester – they are really fun and great to do!
So, what are some ways to get involved and do a great guest lecture via Skype? Here are a few suggestions:
- Take away documents and resources: Have a PowerPoint slide deck to share with students and then go over it in presentation.
- Share resources with others: Share slide deck online for others to see what you have talked about with the class (like Slideshare).
- Organizing days for guest lectures: Try to schedule guest lectures via Skypes on days you are not teaching (this is why I do most of mine on T/Th).
- Share contact information with classes: Encourage online dialogue with social media by sharing connections (always share email and Twitter handle on my presentations).
- Plan ahead of time: Ask ahead of time if there is 1) a class hashtag or social media presence online; 2) day of presentation – make sure to share update on guest lecturing for professor’s class on social media; and 3) engage and talk about the guest lecture afterwords on the social media platform(s) that the class is involved in as well as your own profiles.
For young professors and PhD students (and candidates), the more chances you can get to do a guest lecture via Skype, that would be great. You are able to add these on your CV and this shows your expertise in certain areas that is in demand by not only possibly your university, but others as well. Technology services like Skype have allowed us to do this, so why not take advantage of it and share our insights and experience with others!
Hope you all are having a great day so far!
Best Wishes,